Inside Clayton - Presented by Clayton Library Friends
Inside Clayton is a Clayton Library centric program to introduce both members and non-members to the Family History Research Center (FHRC) at the Clayton Library Campus, its collections, books and resources for genealogical research. This hybrid meeting is open to the public. It will begin with a presentation for both Zoom and library attendees. Followed by a hands-on practice for in-person attendees.
Topic: The Power of Genealogical Periodicals
This session will begin with a short introduction to the Angel Program with Lynda Collins and Barbara Richards. Followed by The Power of Genealogical Periodicals presented by Clayton Library's Aimee Buhr, M.S., Senior Library Services Specialist.
Explore Clayton Library’s unique collection of genealogical periodicals, which covers a wide range of locations, topics, and families. Learn how these specialized publications, from historic journals to modern newsletters, can be invaluable tools for uncovering ancestral connections, accessing unique records, and staying up to date with the latest research techniques. Discover how to identify periodicals for your areas of interest and where to find them in the library. Afterwards, staff will be available to assist with any questions that arise as you search for the perfect periodical to further your family history research.
In-person attendance registration is not required for this meeting. Simply arrive by the scheduled time.
Online registration is required to receive the Zoom link for the instructional portion of this event (approx. 20-30 minutes).
Online Zoom registration click here.
Clayton Library Friends November General Meeting
This general meeting will be a hybrid meeting – held both online via Zoom and in-person at Clayton’s Garwood Meeting Room – and requires registration. Registration is required for in-person attendance due to limited seating capacity. Registration for online attendance is also required to obtain Zoom login instructions. See below for registration options.
The meeting will consist of a brief business meeting followed by our guest speaker.
Program Title: The 1870 Community-Cluster: Gateway to Your Ancestor's Enslavement
Researching enslaved African American ancestry can be extremely challenging and daunting. Clues from the 1870 US Census community hold the keys to unlocking their pre-Civil War history. Author and genealogist Franklin Carter Smith will suggest tips and strategies on how to use these clues to open a gateway that leads to their enslavement history.
Franklin Carter Smith has been engaged in family history research for 45 years. In 2020, he retired from the Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research In Houston, Texas. Where his specialty area was African American research, with a specific interest in enslavement research. Franklin co-authored "A Genealogists Guide to Discovering your African American Ancestors" with Emily Anne Croom. He has also written multiple articles for Family Tree Magazine and given presentations on African American genealogy and DNA to various local and national groups and organizations. Franklin's earliest documented enslaved ancestor is a 5th great-grandmother born in 1760 in North Carolina.
Registration is required for either Zoom or in-person attendance. You do not need to be a member to attend the meeting.
To Register: Click to register for Online Attendance, or
Click to register for In-Person Attendance
Handout: pending
Topic: Accessing In-Library Databases in Family Tree Maker on Your Personal Laptop
Carol Peña will show you how easy it is to access In-Library databases from within the Family Tree Maker software on your personal laptop. In this session, we will focus on saving documents from Ancestry Library Edition to a private non-syncing or speculative family tree using the 2019 version of the software.
This session will not cover all FTM software features, however, it will point you to some popular sites for more information. In-Person attendees should bring their laptops (and a USB drive) to practice.
Carol A. Peña is a native Texan. Growing up she was always fascinated by her mother's family history stories. Her mother's storytelling led to Carol's love of reading and passion for genealogical discoveries. She has been researching her ancestors since 2011 and is the Programs Director for Clayton Library Friends.
Copyright © 2007 - 2023 Clayton Library Friends. PO Box 271078, Houston, TX 77277-1078