HGF - Using Ancestry Trees Securely and Effectively

  • Sat, May 01, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM (CDT)
  • Online Webinar

Houston Genealogical Forum presents: Using Ancestry Trees Securely and Effectively
A Presentation by Suz Bates

Online ancestry trees can be a mixed bag of tricks. How can you use the trees on safely and effectively in your Paper and DNA Trail genealogy research? Suz Bates will focus on topics including security, sources, data fields, uploads, other’s trees and more. Learn how to create and use Ancestry trees safely, securely, effectively, and efficiently.

Suz Bates has been a family history researcher for over 45 years and a private consultant for 25 years. Combining her extensive genealogical research experience with her teaching and lecturing skills, she has developed a genealogy career of speaking, researching, and consulting in an easily understood manner with enthusiasm and a wealth of knowledge.

The webinar is provided free of charge to HGF 2021 members. Become a member and register for the webinar on the website, Membership is $25/individuals and $35/family of 2. Please register by April 30.

This event is offered by the Houston Genealogical Forum. Please direct questions to

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