A Family History Writing Workshop with Devon Noel Lee (Part 3)

  • Sat, July 22, 2017
  • 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Clayton Library

Week 3: Recipe for Writing Family History

The third in a three-part writing workshop series. You should have attended at least one of the previous workshops. In this workshop, we'll discuss how to include family legends and opinions, and how to tie the three stories together. We'll also discuss additional challenges that you may face when writing your stories. Be prepared to share what you've written with other class members! If you have a laptop, please bring one to class.

Family history is more than names, dates, and places. Join us for a three-part series of workshops on writing your family stories with guest speaker, author and blogger Devon Noel Lee. Class size is limited. Reservations required, please call 832-393-2600.  Adults/Teens.

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