Genealogy Face2Face - Holiday Heirlooms and Their Stories

  • Thu, December 01, 2022
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM (CST)
  • Zoom Video Conference

Genealogy Face2Face - Presented by Clayton Library Friends

Genealogy Face2Face is an informative and fun Zoom hangout that features genealogical speakers, discussion, and sharing. This program is open to both CLF members and guests free of charge. Our goal is to promote Clayton Library, its collections, and genealogical research.

Topic: Holiday Heirlooms and Their Stories

Do you have a special holiday item (picture, recipe, letter to Santa, ornament, etc.) that you would like to share with us.? Face2Face would like to hear the story of your item. Send a brief description of your item and any images if available to by November 28 to be included as one of our presenters (3 - 5 minutes each).

Registration in advance of the meeting will be required. Pre-register now by following this link.

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